RI - tradução para Inglês
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RI - tradução para Inglês

Rì; Rix (king); Rí ruirech; Overking; Overkingdom; Ardri

infantry regiment, military unit comprised of two or more infantry battalions (Military)
pleasant, amiable, agreeable; laughing; cheerful (sound, etc.)
n. laugh, laughter


·noun A king who has sovereignty over inferior kings or ruling princes.


, or commonly ríg (genitive), is an ancient Gaelic word meaning 'king'. It is used in historical texts referring to the Irish and Scottish kings, and those of similar rank. While the Modern Irish word is exactly the same, in modern Scottish Gaelic it is rìgh, apparently derived from the genitive. Cognates include Gaulish Rix, Latin rex/regis, Spanish rey, French roi, Sanskrit raja, and German Reich.

There were three grades of : a ruirí or 'overking' was a major, regional king and superior to a rí tuatha 'king of tribes' or a rí buiden 'king of bands' either of whom, in turn, were superior to several figures known as rí benn 'king of peaks' or rí tuath 'king of a tribe'.

Exemplos de pronúncia para RI
1. In our case, that's either an RI into WinMain
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2. "ri" the last syllable of the previous word. And the person after that has to say a word
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3. at, you know, something like a ri-right around a tenth of 1%, essentially zero cost, it has
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Exemplos do corpo de texto para RI
1. Nous avons beaucoup joué avec Sarah, beaucoup ri.
2. Poniatowski était devenu président des RI en 1'75.
3. Les gardiens ont bien ri et m‘ont annoncé ma libération.
4. Sportswear masculin sophistiqué. http://www.kimjones.com • Doo–Ri Chung.
5. Alors pourquoi Antonio a–t–il ri? «Oh! il a mal compris.